About TIN and its benefits

The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a number which would be used to identify a taxpayer (you) for life and could be obtained in any office of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (F.I.R.S) nation-wide or in any office of all 36 States Board of Inland Revenue (S.B.I.R).

Getting a TIN is free. Be one of the first to register and you could get free TIN souvenir.

Part of the benefits of you getting a TIN is that:

  • It would help you to avoid being taxed multiple times unknowingly
  • You can use it to track all your tax records
  • It would allow the government to better plan, create budget, and meet your needs and expectations as a citizen of Nigeria.

Your previous tax payments will not be affected by you getting a TIN.

TIN is an initiative of the Joint Tax Board (JTB) and you can learn more about it on the official website of the TIN Program.

- See more at: http://www.knowtin.com/#sthash.6RL5etbP.dpuf